OCW Committees &

OCW Committees

OCW Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is a standing committee comprised of the officers of the Board, the immediate Past Chair and the President of the OCW. This committee is chaired by the Chair of the Board. The Executive Committee is responsible for the annual review of the President and meets as required to provide oversight of the association and manage emerging issues on behalf of the board.

Current Members

Chair/Chair of Governance: Carolyn Hurst, Westcott Vineyards

Vice-Chair: Norm Beal, Peninsula Ridge 
Governance: Dan Sullivan, Rosehall Run Vineyards

Secretary: Suzanne Janke, Stratus Vineyards

Treasurer: Steve Mitchell, Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery

Paul Speck, Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery

Len Pennachetti, Cave Spring Vineyard (Ex-Officio)

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is a standing committee that is chaired by the Treasurer and is comprised of the Vice Chair, the Director of Finance and the President of the OCW and may have a member at large with financial expertise. The Chairman is an ex-officio member of this committee.

Current Members

Steve Mitchell, Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery

Carolyn Hurst, Westcott Vineyards

Faik Turkmen, Lailey Winery

Harald Thiel, Hidden Bench Estate Winery

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is a standing committee of Ontario Craft Wineries, chaired by the immediate
past-Chair and shall include one representative from each class of winery appointed by the Board of Directors annually. No candidate for a position as a director of the board may participate on this committee. Therefore, in years when there is a conflict the Board of Directors will appoint a replacement to Chair this committee.

Current Members

Chair: Len Pennachetti, Cave Spring Vineyard (Ex-Officio)

Allan Schmidt, Vineland Estates Winery

Suzanne Janke, Stratus Vineyards

Harald Thiel, Hidden Bench Estate Winery

Ed Madronich, Flat Rock Cellars

Carolyn Hurst, Westcott Vineyards

VQA Marketing Committee

The VQA Marketing Committee is a standing committee of the Wine Marketing Association of Ontario. As shareholders of WMAO, the VQA Marketing Committee is co-chaired by one appointee from each of Ontario Craft Wineries and Wine Growers Ontario. In addition, four committee members are appointed by the Ontario Craft Wineries’ board of directors for a two-year term following the Annual General Meeting (in a staggered rotation). In total, the Committee is comprised of 5 appointees from the membership of each organization who serve as the representatives on the VQA Marketing Committee.

Current Members

Co-Chair: Ed Madronich, Flat Rock Cellars

Steve Mitchell, Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery

Suzanne Janke, Stratus Vineyards

Paul Speck, Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery

Tom Pennachetti, Cave Spring Vineyard

Sustainable Winegrowing Ontario Committee

The Sustainable Winegrowing Ontario Committee is a regular Ad Hoc committee of the board chaired by a board member appointed annually following the AGM. Membership in this committee consists of invited Ontario Craft Wineries’ members along with industry stakeholders invited to participate in committee discussions.

Current Members

Chair: Andrea Kaiser, Reif Estate Winery   

Benjamin Whitty, 13th Street Winery

Dave Hooper, Cave Spring Vineyard 

JL Groux, Stratus Vineyards

Shiraz Mottiar, Malivoire Wine Company

Matt Speck, Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery

Allison Findlay, Niagara College Teaching Winery

Nick Lemieux, Grape Growers of Ontario   

Debbie Zimmerman, Grape Growers of Ontario       

Erwin Wiens, Grape Growers of Ontario       

Laurie MacDonald, Ontario Wine Appellation Authority

Peter Harris, Ontario Wine Appellation Authority

Dean Foerter, Wine Marketing Association of Ontario

Andrea Peters, Wine Marketing Association of Ontario

Ontario Craft Wine Conference Committee

The Ontario Craft Wine Conference Committee is a regular Ad Hoc committee of the board chaired by a board member appointed annually following the Annual General Meeting. Membership in this committee consists of invited winery members and industry consultants to participate in committee discussions.

Current Members

Chair: Ilya Senchuk, Leaning Post Wines

Ed Madronich, Flat Rock Cellars

J.J. Syer, Rosehall Run Vineyards

Suzanne Janke, Stratus Vineyards

Charles Neufeld, Palatine Hills Estate Winery

Amanda Vranckx, Blueberry Hill Winery

Chris Colaneri, Colaneri Estate Winery

Aaron Dobbin, Wine Growers Ontario
Marcel Morgenstern, Bella Terra Vineyards


Wine Marketing Association of Ontario Board

Allan Schmidt, Vineland Estates Winery

Ed Madronich, Flat Rock Cellars

Ontario Grape and Wine Research Inc. Board

Board Appointment: Allan Schmidt, Vineland Estates Winery

Grapes for Processing Industry Advisory Committee

Negotiation Agency: 

Curtis Fielding, Fielding Estate Winery

Allan Schmidt, Vineland Estates Winery

Niagara Grape and Wine Festival Board

Allan Schmidt, Vineland Estates Winery

CCOVI Advisory Council

Allan Schmidt, Vineland Estates Winery (CCOVI Executive Member)

Carolyn Hurst, Westcott Vineyards

Ed Madronich, Flat Rock Cellars